There's No Place Like Home

Holidays are usually a time for friends and family together and celebrate.  This year’s celebrations may look different from past years with fewer and smaller in-person gatherings and more virtual parties.  Whether you have people over this year, or are reaching out virtually, you don’t want your dog jumping all over guests or all over you while you’re zooming.

So it’s time to brush up on place.  Place is a trainer favorite around here.  It’s all about teaching your dog the awesomeness of staying in one designated spot and remaining calm.  The best time to start working on and reinforcing this versatile tool is right now, not the moment when the doorbell rings or your logging in.  If you’re like many others right now and working from home, you can use that time to not only get your work done, but train your dog at the same time.  Let’s hear it for multitasking!


If your dog already has a strong place, start reinforcing that more.  Have some treats nearby and toss your dog one every once in a while.  If you know you have a delivery coming, be sure to have some treats or kibble ready and keep your dog on her spot while you go and interact with the delivery person, or answer the door.  Also work on moving around your home and having your dog remain where she is and rewarding her when she stays on her bed.  

Maybe your dog isn’t as solid as you’d like with place yet.  No worries.  Grab a leash, a sturdy piece of furniture and your dog’s bed.  The best way to make sure your dog doesn’t get up from his place is to keep him there.  That doesn’t mean tackling your dog when he gets up.  This is where the furniture and leash come in handy.  Tether your dog so that he can’t wander off and reinforce, reinforce and reinforce some more when he is being calm and hanging out on his bed.  I mean, who wouldn't want to be on a spot that’s soft, comfy and makes food magically appear when you are there?

And even after the holiday festivities are over, place is great for general home life, like keeping the dog out from underfoot when you’re in the kitchen cooking, or keeping a slobbery dog head out of your lap while you’re eating or keeping your furry bestie from distracting you on an important work call.

If you need help with any other behaviors, during the holidays or just in general, let us know.  We’re here to help.